Sunday, August 19, 2007

Minimizing Stress during examination

During the examination

· Get to the classroom early so you can sit as per the seating plan. Avoid people who will add to your stress.

· Utilise 15 minutes time given by C.B.S.E to read the question paper and plan your answers accordingly. Look over the questions to familiarize yourself with the test. Underline key words or phrases in the test directions.

· If you start feeling anxious, take a mini break to refresh yourself. Get a drink of water, stretch or get some fresh air.

· Don’t panic when you don’t know an answer, eliminate options that you know are incorrect and then make an educated guess.

· If you have time, review your answers.

· Don’t change an answer unless you are sure that your second answer is correct.

My new blogs :-

Ishant Sharma

Answers of youngsters